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注册 2017-7-3
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发表于 2017-8-4 14:54  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友  QQ

the prose poemWISH YOU WELLSunflowerIt's my great luck to meet you!In factYou are consummate; I am capricious.You are rational; I am emotional.Your love is discern白癜风该怎么治ible; mine is ambivalent.AlthoughWe have awkward ambience when together;We always avert our eyes from each other;We both find the subtle affections between us,We are willing to have a bash at love.Thank you for happy dinners, interesting movies...Thank you for beautiful flowers, dear fr北京治疗白癜风iends, an unforgettable night...Thank you for realizing a girl's dream, craving a romantic confession.You contemplated why our love was enigmatic and we couldn't open our heart,I wasn't good at disguising myself,I never meaned to hurt you,So, we deliberated along streets at the night, tried to disentangle the matter, and achieved a unanimous decisionWe may recover our freedomIn the event, our love proves ephemeral!Wish you wellWish you can efface the unpleasant memories as soon as possible北京最好白癜风医院哪家好Wish you can encounter your congenial and destined princess as soon as possibleI indeed want to console you, but I can't;I indeed want to implore you forgiveness, but I can't.My compunction makes me censure myself,My sick conscience tells me that I ought to pray it somehow.Maybe, we could walk abreast a bit more far as friends.Suffering will be evanescent as time passes by.A sound from my inner heart-----WISH YOU WELL FOR EVERMORE!--------------------------------------------------散文诗你若安好,便是晴天心空星语(一)相逢是件值得庆幸的事毋庸置疑任性抵不过完美无瑕激动被理性冷却如此这般相逢气氛尴尬异常于千万人之中瞥见你清晰的脸庞,目光焦躁不安这份唯妙的情感彼此心领神会青春的悸动,我们在爱河里扬帆远航幸福的晚餐,精妙绝伦的电影美艳无比的太阳花,挚爱的朋友,难忘的今宵王子与公主的梦想,深切诚挚的告白我的生命流光溢彩,感激的泪花好像珍珠镶嵌在脸庞(二)你深邃的眼眸,看不穿我们高深莫测的爱我们紧掩心灵之窗不善于强颜伪装从未想过这份爱会成为伤你最深的利剑相伴穿过长长的大街,我们竟无言以对静谧的夜晚,思绪一遍遍在脑海中潮落潮涨,涌成惊涛骇浪难以突破的重重屏障,无可奈何的诀别之意给予你想要的自由,这是我不变的温柔我们的爱终抵不过时过境迁,昙花一现(三)你若安好,便是我最大的心愿但愿你不再在伤痛北京哪家医院白癜风手术好价格便宜的记忆中沉沦但愿你找到王子与公主的童话我想抚平你心中的伤痕,但我力不从心我想你给予的宽恕,我却在心灵深处痛斥自己我的良心告诉我,我应该祈祷它不知何故或许,友谊的路更适合我们并驾齐驱时间白癜风好了的河流会冲走一切尘埃,苦难也瞬息即逝心中激起一股最强烈的声音----此去经年,愿君安好         




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